
The Deep River Ballet Club gratefully acknowledges support from the Town of Deep River through a Junior Instructional Grant.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Recital Volunteers Needed!

It is recital planning time!  Our year-end recital is a highly anticipated event by our students who are eager to show what they’ve learned as well as get the chance to dress up and put on a fun show.  This year the recital is scheduled for MAY 15 (Wednesday).  Time TBD.

In order to give our students a quality recital experience, we rely on the help of volunteers. You should have received a Volunteer Sign Up sheet this week.  It is also available under "Important Info" on the right. Instructions for the return of the form are at the bottom of the sheet.

If you have any questions, you can email us at  More detailed information about the recital will be coming as we get closer to the event.
Thank you for investing in your child’s growth and experience in dance!