
The Deep River Ballet Club gratefully acknowledges support from the Town of Deep River through a Junior Instructional Grant.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

2014 Santa Claus Parade

Many, many thanks to Cal Doucette, Julie Gosselin, Jamie, Yvonne, Paige and Sierra Hardy,  Mindy Benvie, Hayley Goddard, Kylie Smith and Katrina Doucette, Hannah Williams and her grandmother and all the kids and parents who participated in our Santa Claus Parade entry, "The Nutcracker Sweets."  Also thank you to the Blimke family for use of their trailer and Josh Erling for pulling the float and allowing us to put garland all over his truck.

Our entry won "Most Original."  Congratulations to everyone!!

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Registration Will Open Early!

Winter registration was set to go live December 18, but so many of you have been asking about it, I can tell you're anxious to "get 'er done." 

That being the case, Winter registration will go live tomorrow, December 4, at 12:01 am.  

Returning students in the following classes will need to register.  This will give our teachers a good idea what to expect in the new year and for the recital.



  • Adult
  • Beginner
  • Advanced Beginner
  • Pre-Primary

Although we do not expect over-registration, returning students will be given first priority if a maximum registration should occur.

Returning students will not have to pay the $5.00 registration again.

We would like all registration to take place through our online site, if possible.  You are not required to make payment online.  If you prefer to pay by check or cash, be sure to choose the "pay offline" option.  If you are not comfortable with online registration, a downloadable form is available under "Important Info."

Payments will be due at the first class in 2014.

We hope to see everyone back in the new year!

Friday, 14 November 2014

Make up Classes

Classes that were cancelled Wednesday, November 5 will be made up Saturday morning, November 22.  The schedule is as follows:

9:30 - 10:15     Grade II
10:15 - 11: 15  Grade III
11:15 - 12:30   Seniors
12:30 - 1:30     Adults

Monday, 10 November 2014

Ballet Exams and Presentations

Ms. Steer handed out a permission form for Exams and Presentations last week.  Here are some general answers to some general questions.  If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll get an answer back to you as quickly as possible.

Q:  What is the difference between an Exam and a Presentation?
A:  In both cases the students present material from the curriculum before an Royal Academy of Dance Examiner.  Primary students do a Presentation as a group.  They are not graded, but if memory serves correctly, they are given constructive criticism.  It is an excellent opportunity to experience dancing before a real RAD Examiner without the pressures of being graded.  Certificates are given to each participant.

Grade I students and higher may do either a Presentation or an Exam.  It is up to the discretion of the instructor as to which one is a better fit for each individual student.  Both are done as a group.  My daughter has done an exam and tells me that although there are routines that the Examiner asks for the group to do together, sometimes the individual students are asked to perform a specific routine or step. Exams are graded.  Certificates with their grades are mailed to the instructor by the end of the year and given to the student.  If they arrive later, we will do our best to deliver them to you.

Q: When are Exams and Presentations being held?
A:  The last information I have is that they will be held in February.

Q:  Where will they be held?
A:  At the Starz in Motion studio at the far east end of Petawawa.

Q: Are Exams and Presentations mandatory?

A:  Nope!  We do encourage students to participate because it is an excellent opportunity to get feedback and instruction from another set of skilled and trained RAD eyes.  However, we know not every student is comfortable with this, so participation is not demanded.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Classes Cancelled - November 5

Classes are cancelled for this afternoon/evening.  We hope to be able to reschedule these classes soon.  We will keep affected students up-to-date.  Thank you for your understanding.

Santa Claus Parade

The annual Deep River Santa Claus parade is coming up soon on December 6.  I've heard whispers that parents and students are hoping to participate this year.  To do this I would appreciate the following:

1. A committee of volunteers who would be willing to coordinate this and

2. A truck or a vehicle with a trailer that would be suitable for the smaller children to ride on.

If you can help with either of these, please let us know.  Our executive is down to three members and we need all the help we can get to be able to add the extra thrills for the kids.

Monday, 29 September 2014

Bags, Hoodies and Tees! Oh, my!

For many years we've been trying to get something off the ground and this year it looks like we'll actually do it.  The DRBC is offering club hoodies, bags and t-shirts.  Perfect as Christmas gifts.

This is not a fundraiser, this is simply something we've wanted to do to boost club spirit and give the kids a sense of belonging.  We will be ordering through Fitton Enterprises and Will has asked that we have orders to him by mid-October to ensure delivery for Christmas.

If you are interested, please read on and let us know if you'd like to place an order or get more information.  A size chart is below and I do have some hoodies that can be tried on for sizing.

Large Tote Bag: Limited quantities in light blue or gray (blue is shown). Several pouches, zippers shut.  Club already has these available.  $17 each.  First come, first served.   

Mesh shoe bags: Perfect for letting sweaty shoes air out but not get lost.  Draw string closure.  Available in pink, black, blue and teal.  Cost is approximately $15.  I need to order these from our uniform supply company first, so the sooner I know what you prefer, the sooner I can get them in and to Will.

T-Shirts: Available in Youth Sizes XS-L and Adult Sizes S-2XL.  Offered in Maroon or Royal Blue.  Cost: $12.  Name or "Jazz" can be added for a small fee.

Hoodies: Available in Youth Sizes S-XL and Adult Sizes S-2XL. Offered in Maroon.  Cost is $35 and includes student's name or "Jazz" if desired. Photo is of a Youth XL.  Please note that the size chart is general sizing for tees and fleece.  If you'd like room for a t-shirt under the hoodie or for a baggier fit, please consider ordering up a size.  Youth hoodies may be shorter than the tees.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


Our AGM is scheduled for Thursday, October 9th at 6:00 pm.

All parents and students over the age of 16 are invited and encouraged to come.  In addition, we hope you will consider volunteering with our executive.  All positions are always available, although sometimes the person holding the position is willing to let their name stand again.  The following is a list of positions along with the names of those who are willing to continue in that role:

President:  Cheryl Smith
Registrar:   Julie Gosselin
Recital Co-ordinator:  Yvonne Hardy
Treasurer:  Open
Secretary:  Open
Uniform Co-ordinator: Open

Job descriptions are listed in our Constitution, with the exception of Uniform Co-ordinator.  This will be an item on the AGM agenda.  The Constitution is available for viewing and download under "Important Info" to the right.

We hope to see you on the 9th.  

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Class Updates

We are already at full capacity for our Beginner/Advance Beginner Class.  If you are still interested in this class, please send us an email with your contact information and child's name and we will maintain a waiting list.

Due to low enrollment, the Grade 1 ballet class has been cancelled.

Registration for other classes is still being accepted, although we are trying to nail our final schedule in place.  If you have not yet registered, now is the time!  Registration can be done online through the bright blue Register button on the right or by downloading and printing the forms under "Important Info."

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Tiny Toes (formerly Jamie's Play with Ballet)

On Monday Jamie An and the DRCB joined forces to offer Tiny Toes (formerly Jamie's Play with Ballet).  This is an introductory class to dance for toddlers/pre-schoolers (ages 2.5 - 3) that incorporates dance movement with play.

Enrollment is capped at 8 students plus 1 parent per student.  Priority registration is being given to students who were enrolled with Jamie last spring as this change occurred so close to registration day.  A waiting list is being kept.  If you are interested in Tiny Toes, please email the club at with your contact information and we'll add you to the list.

The club and Jamie are excited to be working together.  The DRBC now offers something for all ages of movers and shakers!

Friday, 29 August 2014

Schedule Changes

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we've already had to make a couple of tweaks to our class schedule.  

Our Beginner and Advanced Beginner classes will again be combined this year.  At this time they are scheduled for Thursdays from 6:15-7:00 pm.

Our age 9-11 Jazz class has been moved from 5:15-6:15 pm on Tuesdays to 5:00-6:00 pm on the same day.

A revised *preliminary* schedule is in the links under Important Info.  Although we hope to be able to keep to this schedule, please be advised that the club reserves the right to combine or cancel classes due to enrollment numbers and other extenuating circumstances.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Coming Soon: Registration!

It's time for back to school and back to after-school activities!  
Information regarding class times, levels and fees can be downloaded from the links to the right.  These documents will help you be prepared for the upcoming year.  Please download or bookmark them for easy access.

Registration will be offered by way of two methods this year:  
We are thrilled to offer online registration and payment to help streamline your job as a busy parent. Online registration will be open Thursday, September 4 and can be accessed by clicking that bright blue button on the right. 

For those who like the traditional approach, we will be at the Community Registration Event at the Deep River Arena Thursday, September 4, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm.  The registration form can be downloaded under Important Info on the right.

All ages are based on the student's birthday being before or on December 31, 2014.
  • Jazz students register for their age group.
  • Ballet students should register as follows:

New students age 4
New students age 5 or in Beginner last year
Advanced Beginner
New students age 6 or in Advanced Beginner last year
New students age 7

All returning Primary - Senior students should register for the level they were in last Spring.

It is important to note for returning students that Primary - Senior Ballet students must register in the Fall and for the entire year.  We will not be accepting Winter Session registration for these classes as we have found that doing so is disruptive to them.

Uniform requirements are listed in our 2014-2015 Brochure.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.  Cheryl, Julie, Claire or Lindsey will have an answer for you.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

What *is* Jazz?

Are you wondering what Jazz dance is all about? Well, it takes all sorts of forms, but here's a couple of videos that give a general idea. Notice the use of popular music and quick movements. It gives quite a work out!


Saturday, 26 July 2014

Welcome, Lindsey Erling!

The Deep River Ballet Club is pleased to announce that we have a new teacher joining us this fall.  Don't worry, Ms. Steer is still here, she's just not alone. :)

Lindsey Erling will be teaching Beginner, Advanced Beginner and Pre-Primary ballet classes.  In addition, she will be teaching Jazz dance for the following age groups:  6-8, 8-10, pre-tee and teen.  Miss Lindsey's classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 

For those wishing to know more about Miss Lindsey, here is her background:

Lindsey Erling started studying Ballet at the age of 5 and continued into high school.  In high school Lindsey started studying both Jazz and Tap dance.  After high school, she completed the 3 year Musical Theatre program at Sheridan College in Oakville, ON.  While there, she studied Ballet, Jazz, Tap, and Dance Performance. Lindsey has worked with many theatre groups in Ontario including The Savoy Society of Ottawa, Orpheus Musical Theatre, GOYA, 9th Hour Theatre Company, Sudbury Theatre Centre, Theatre Sheridan, and The Deep River Musical Society. Lindsey is looking forward to working with the young children here in Deep River and introducing Jazz dance to the Ballet club.

In other news, there is a rumor going around that the class schedules are already set.  Not true!  Other than Ms. Steer being Monday/Wednesday starting at 4 pm and Miss Lindsey being Tuesday/Thursday starting at 5 pm, we don't know when each class will be held as of yet.   We will be working on that in the very near future, though, and we'll let know you ASAP so you can start planning your fall schedule.  Can you believe school starts in only 5 weeks?  Eep!

Sunday, 4 May 2014

March 5 Rehearsal Time Change

Another group has the auditorium booked Monday evening, so we are making the following changes to the rehearsal schedule:

  • Pre-Primary and Primary: 6:00 pm (same time as Beginners)
  • Senior Girls: Same time but in the MCS Multi-purpose Room.

All other class times remain the same.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Spring Gala May 14

Our recital this year is set for May 14 at 6:30 pm at Childs Auditorium at Mackenzie Community School.  Doors open at 6:00 pm.

Tickets are $5 each and are available at The Olive Tree or at the door.

This year we are welcoming special guests from Starz in Motion to share a variety of dance styles with us.

We look forward to seeing you on the 14th!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

April 21 Classes

Regular classes will be held on Easter Monday, April 21. Students and parents should be aware that a babysitting course will be being held in the waiting area room next to the classroom, so please come and go quietly so as not to disturb them.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Recital volunteers Needed

A big, big  thanks to Yvonne Hardy for volunteering as Recital Coordinator.  The show will go on!

A volunteer list was sent home this past week for recital volunteers.  Please return your sheets to Ms. Steer ASAP or email the club stating your area of interest.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Classes Cancelled


All classes are cancelled this evening due to the snow and poor road conditions.  Make-up classes will be scheduled at a later date.