
The Deep River Ballet Club gratefully acknowledges support from the Town of Deep River through a Junior Instructional Grant.

Friday, 29 August 2014

Schedule Changes

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we've already had to make a couple of tweaks to our class schedule.  

Our Beginner and Advanced Beginner classes will again be combined this year.  At this time they are scheduled for Thursdays from 6:15-7:00 pm.

Our age 9-11 Jazz class has been moved from 5:15-6:15 pm on Tuesdays to 5:00-6:00 pm on the same day.

A revised *preliminary* schedule is in the links under Important Info.  Although we hope to be able to keep to this schedule, please be advised that the club reserves the right to combine or cancel classes due to enrollment numbers and other extenuating circumstances.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Coming Soon: Registration!

It's time for back to school and back to after-school activities!  
Information regarding class times, levels and fees can be downloaded from the links to the right.  These documents will help you be prepared for the upcoming year.  Please download or bookmark them for easy access.

Registration will be offered by way of two methods this year:  
We are thrilled to offer online registration and payment to help streamline your job as a busy parent. Online registration will be open Thursday, September 4 and can be accessed by clicking that bright blue button on the right. 

For those who like the traditional approach, we will be at the Community Registration Event at the Deep River Arena Thursday, September 4, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm.  The registration form can be downloaded under Important Info on the right.

All ages are based on the student's birthday being before or on December 31, 2014.
  • Jazz students register for their age group.
  • Ballet students should register as follows:

New students age 4
New students age 5 or in Beginner last year
Advanced Beginner
New students age 6 or in Advanced Beginner last year
New students age 7

All returning Primary - Senior students should register for the level they were in last Spring.

It is important to note for returning students that Primary - Senior Ballet students must register in the Fall and for the entire year.  We will not be accepting Winter Session registration for these classes as we have found that doing so is disruptive to them.

Uniform requirements are listed in our 2014-2015 Brochure.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.  Cheryl, Julie, Claire or Lindsey will have an answer for you.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

What *is* Jazz?

Are you wondering what Jazz dance is all about? Well, it takes all sorts of forms, but here's a couple of videos that give a general idea. Notice the use of popular music and quick movements. It gives quite a work out!